For high-resolution images and further information, contact Casa Turquesa’s team by e-mail: ctparaty@casaturquesa.com.br.
Casa Turquesa is regularly recommended in renowned publications like Condé Nast Traveler, Departures, Harper’s Bazaar, Tatler (which rated us among the 101 best hotels in the world), Vanity Fair, Le Figaro, Monocle (the magazine’s favorite in Paraty), the New York Times and Abril Publishing Company’s Guia Quatro Rodas (which awarded us as best guesthouse in Brazil). We are also part of the select XO The Private Collection, Tablet Hotels, Spendia, i-escape, Chic Retreats, BLTA (Brazilian Luxury Travel Association) and Pure Life Experience.
June: Travel Leisure
December: Travellers Choice -
February: Gentleman - Mexico
March: Aspire - UK
April: Lonely Planet - Argentina -
April: Trendland USA
November: AD - Mexico -
July: The Telegraph – Ultratravel UK
May: Conde Nast Travel | Hello! Fashion Monthly UK
Janeiro: The Week magazine UK -
September: Condé Nast Traveler | Video: A Very Brazilian Road Trip – Condé Nast Traveler
July: The Porter – UK
June: Country & Town House
May: Artefato
April: Expressions -
September: Travel | Gaytimes
August: L’Officiel
July: Hotbook | Man of the World
June: Condé Nast Traveler | Financial Times
May: Harper’s Bazaar | Costa Verde | Perfil Náutico | The Lux and the Class Magazine
April: Dove | Travesías
February: Australian Financial Review -
November: Top Magazine | Vanity Fair | Luxury Insider | Ultratravel
October: Mail Online
August: Globejotter | Avianca | OG
June: Jornal do Comércio | The culture trip | LifeStyle | Glamurama | PanHoteis | Harper’s Bazaar | E travel | Monocle | Marie Claire | Mix | Viagem Incrível
May: Lu Lacerda | VIP | Top Destinos | Brasil Fashion News | BrasilTuris | Helena Bordon | Versatille
April: Joyce Pascowitch | Hotelnews | Belle
Janeiro: Joyce Pascowitch | Robb Report | Wish Casa -
December:Harper’s Bazaar | Brazilian Guru
November: Fashion Bubbles
September: Fd Persoonlijk
July: Lola Magazine | Glamurama
June: GQ | In Magazine
April: Revista Top Destinos
February: Wall Street Journal | Vogue | El Nuevo Dia
Janeiro: Cool Magazine | The New York Times | Tatler | Valor Econômico -
December: Vogue
November: Vogue
May: Escapada
March/April: Revista MIT | National Geographic Traveler
February: Casa Vogue -
December: Travesías | InStyle
November: Wish | Paris Match | Harper’s Bazaar
October: Marie Claire Maison
August: Claudia | Jornal do Brasil
July: Revista Gol | RJTV
May: Circuito Elegante
March/April: Hotelnews | Departures Magazine
February: Radar – Arquitetura e Design
Janeiro: Guia 4 Rodas | Harper’s Bazaar | Harper’s Bazaar Wish -
December: Revista O Globo | Audi Magazine
October: Le Figaro
July: Glamurama | Época São Paulo | Msn Onne
June: Glamurama | Revista Pimentas | VIP
April: Cardnews | Docol Magazine
March: O Globo | Diário de S. Paulo | Revista Objetiva | JCNet
February: Rossi | O Estado de S. Paulo
Janeiro: Vogue | Veja Rio | Gazeta Mercantil | Guia 4 Rodas -
December: Top Magazine | Ellemix | Viagem e Turismo | Revista Programa Jornal do Brasil | Veja
November: JCNet | United Hemispheres | O Globo | Revista Programa Jornal do Brasil | Viagem e Turismo
October: Revista Nova | Vogue | Marie Claire | No matter what!
September: Hotelnews | To Escape To | Scott Dunn | Viaje Aqui | Saúde e Lazer
August: MixNews | Hype Online | Wish
July: Glamurama | JCNet | Panorama do Turismo
June: Bela em BSB | Panrotas | Hotel Online | Glamurama | Radar 55 | Web a vista
May: RG Vogue